English Movies Dubbed In Hindi Online! As a fan of movies, I have seen several movies with a New York setting the location where the characters within the movie go to Central Park and watch a movie outdoors on a large screen. The people watching the flicks are relaxing on blankets, eating dinner and often having a wonderful time. I often wondered why San Diego does not do the same. We have perfect weather for watching movies outdoors on a Friday or Saturday night, sufficient reason for drive-in theaters disappearing nationwide, watching movies within the park on the giant screen sounded as being a great idea in my opinion.
Well, it should have sounded as being a great idea to someone else too since the County of San Diego, Department of Parks and Recreation has organized several opportunities through the county where friends and family can go watch a movie inside the park. The cities of San Diego, Coronado, National City, La Mesa, San Marcos, Poway and Oceanside have committed their cities to hosting at least one night of movies in the park come early july.
This is really a free event where families and friends can engage in movies in the natural setting. All movies start at night and will take place outdoors at either local parks or pools. Twenty-nine movies are scheduled to be shown at parks and pools round the county, presented over a large inflatable widescreen, suitable for outdoor viewing. Beginning Friday, June 4th and continuing to Saturday, September 18, the films will be shown on Friday and Saturday evenings at various locations through the summer months.
As this is a public, outdoor venue, all of the movies will be appropriate for viewing by children. The current set of movies include: "The Sandlot", "Monsters vs Aliens", "Planet 51", "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs", "The Tooth Fairy", "Alvin as well as the Chipmunks; The Squeakquel",
"How to Train Your Dragon", "The Blind Side" and "Avatar". The listing of movies is subject to change so check with your local park to have an updated schedule prior to going.
Viewers should bring their particular chairs, blankets and refreshments. Most from the locations will also have pre-movie activities planned for example karaoke competitions, games, and music. Some viewing locations can sometimes include a parking fee for vehicles and parking could be limited. Be prepared to arrive early and have some cash on hand in case there is really a parking fee. As it does get chilly in certain of the parks through the night, bring the light source jacket to deal with. "Movies inside the Park" is a wonderful way for families and friends to relish the summer night out within the beautiful capital of scotland- San Diego.
Movies in the Park viewing schedule:
June 18 Lindo Lake Park "The Sandlot"
June 19 4S Ranch Community Park "Monsters vs Aliens"
June 25 Sweetwater Regional Park "Planet 51"
June 26 Dos Picos Park "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs"
July 16 Spring Valley Park "The Tooth Fairy"
July 17 4S Ranch Community Park "Alvin as well as the Chipmunks, the Squeakquel"
July 23 Fallbrook Park "Alvin and also the Chipmunks, the Squeakquel"
July 31 Dos Picos Park "Avatar"
August 14 Jess Martin Park "How to Train Your Dragon"
August 21 4S Ranch Community Park "How to Train Your Dragon"
September 11 Lindo Lake Park "How to Train Your Dragon"
September 18 4S Ranch Community Park "The Blind Side"
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